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4 years ago

Thanks for working hard man, really love your work. Hopefully everything will be alright and it won’t be a problem. Stay healthy and strong.

4 years ago

Jeebus. Why does bad webstuff happen to authors I like…
Hang in there!

4 years ago

I’s lookin pretty nice bro, hope everything is well! P.S the dark and night mode change resets every time you click on another header.

GA Baller
GA Baller
4 years ago

Really looking forward to this sucker gettin’ off the ground and reading your next chapters. Stick with it, buddy, we’re here for you!

GA Baller
GA Baller
4 years ago

Also, could you look into collapsing comment sections? Disqus or some other widget is fine. It just does a lot to clean up posts.


Note how the last third of the page is one long string of comments, giving a deceptive sense of the real length of the post.

4 years ago

Thanks for the chapter 19. Since I’m unable to put a comment on your Patreon, I’ll give my thanks here for another long, wonderful chapter.

More power, stay safe, and take care.

4 years ago

New Fan, Just started book 1 two days ago and reached book 3 chapter 3 on RR. Looking for more sauce. Amazing work, i’ve read many novels over the years, but this one has something others don’t, quality. You have put a lot of effort in this project and i can see it in your writting, i would even say that i got to know you through your work, it gave me an impression of a good educated person. Happy i found this diamond, i await for the day to see it completed and i would have loved if you became a fool time writer, so i can read your stories.
Best Wishes, Dimitris from Greece, 28 y/o

4 years ago

We’re back, boissss!

4 years ago

Keep up the good work man, both on the novel and on the construction of the site. Hope you’ll be able to be creative w/o pressure

4 years ago

Would like to ask where you put out news/updates, (like your twitter but actually used *cough* ) is it patreon atm?

4 years ago

I see RoyalRoad has chapters up to Book 3 Chapter 3 and Patreon has chapters starting at chapter 8 (assuming it’s book 3). Where can we get the missing chapters in between?

4 years ago

The new site is looking pretty good now.

4 years ago

So happy it’s all back. Just thought of rereading it all.
Though as you seem to fiddle around with the Webpage I would like to ask the Next/Last Chapter-Links to be just under the Chapter and above the Comments for smoother navigation for those who just want to read your story.
But all in all I like the new design, especially the dark mode.

4 years ago

Nice to see that you are still writing. First book I ever read on RR many years ago. Thank you and do continue with this epic novel.

PS: How many volumes are you planning for the entirety of this novel , if you already have a figure in your head and are ok with sharing it.

4 years ago

Bruh, I can’t believe its back, been so long for me since I didn’t know you were still writing on patreon. Would have signed up long ago if I had known lol. Thanks for perservering throughout the years and continuing this novel.

4 years ago

Thanks for your work

4 years ago

Yo, Za1d3.

I’ve noticed of the following URLs:

They seemed to be different compare to the rest. The last two don’t have their respective chapter titles, whilst the first one has incorrect spelling of “chapter.”

Path Logic
Path Logic
4 years ago

I’m so happy i kept checking in every couple of months, i was so sad when you stopped writting. I think i started reading this around chapter 11 or so. Its been a journey and I’m so glad its not ended

4 years ago

Just decided to check on this again on a sudden whim and am I GLAD I did that. Have to reread this again to refresh myself. Ive been following this since the first few chapters of book 1 if I remember correctly. I wish you all the best and good fortunes.

4 years ago

If you ever need to reuse old stuff from your site, you can go to the wayback machine. They actually have several snapshots of your website (the most updated one from before the whole eHost fiasco is from February) from which you can copy and paste some text. Most images don’t load, but I hope it’s still useful to you. If you want the link directly, here you go :

Last edited 4 years ago by WrongerMonk10
4 years ago

Man, i cant believe there are new chapters of this story. At this point i have read hundreds of online stories, and this one is still among my favorites

4 years ago

I miss this story. been 4 years since stopped reading novels. seeing that this has 3 books now feels good for my first comeback as a reader.

4 years ago

I have been waiting for this for a long time. I love this story so much and grew fond of it. Thank you author for bringing this story to us and continuing it after a very long hiatus.

4 years ago

Canโ€™t wait until the next chapter. Am I addicted?

3 years ago

I love this novel so much. It is my favorite story. Thank you so much for writing it and coming back to it. It stays on my mind all day. When I wake it is the first thing I look for. I have read it multiple times. Please donโ€™t stop it. I need to read what happens next. Kaidus is wonderful and amazing and so are you for bringing him to me. Thank you so so so much. Please do not drop this story.

3 years ago

Dam glad you kept writing.
I keeped checking RR but the idiot iam, i did not read the entire info chapter and tought you quitet for good.
Only now to realize you keeped writting.

Dam im starting from the start again.

keep it going you do an amazing job.

PS: Im salty that i didnt find this site by looking for “MC with 4 Elemental Lords” -.-“

3 years ago

Hello. Been a massive fan of your novel so far (reread it four times already and probably will reread it again). Have you ever thought about selling it on Amazon prime or google play books? If you want I can help you get it out there for free. Selling it may help your future writing endeavors and I think the book may perform well.

GA Baller
GA Baller
3 years ago

Could you make a Glossary page? Particularly include the naming scheme for your calendar. Anything else people want could help too.

The list of characters is small enough that you shouldn’t need something for them, but things like the mage ranks could be included.

Chris h
Chris h
3 years ago

Man I’ve been following this since book one and I’ve got to say I’ve been loving it. Keep it up and know that your fans are here for you!

Ahmed Alnahdi
Ahmed Alnahdi
3 years ago

What!! Forgotten conquer aka the best novel to ever exist is back!?
Okay I will not wake up from this dream ever!
Let me continue my beautiful dream.

3 years ago

will there be a chapter next month?

i cant wait to see how the situation will resolve

3 years ago

I miss this so much.

3 years ago

I am starting to feel lost without this story. Please please please come back and do not drop it. It is my favorite story. Thank you once again for writing it and I hope everything is going well.

2 years ago

I hope you are well and still haven’t given up on your story!

If you ever return i would be very interested how you imagine the other drakall species you have mentioned. I imagine you have ordered them by size or strength(Kargalls, Farkans, Kalligors, Poringuls, Havarals, and lesser drakalls) Since they are called the winged serpents of the skies i would imagine them all to be rather elongated or snake like but in your description of kargalls they are said to devastate villages an i get the impression they should be rather bulky and armored. Anyway i would love to know how you imagined them. Especially as they don’t seem to replace birds as the predators of the skies (considering the “birdie”) but rather are an additional category.

2 years ago


2 years ago


1 year ago

We are waiting for your return

1 year ago

i am honestly surprised this website is still online o_O

Last edited 1 year ago by Mortal